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Portfellow september 4, 2024 0 Comments

We are pleased to bring you the latest updates and enhancements we've made to the Portfellow platform in recent weeks. As always, our goal is to provide you with the best possible tool to make investment tracking easier,

Juhend panga- ja maaklerkontode seadistamiseks   1. Konto loomine   Portfellow tarkvara toetab ka panga- ning maaklerkontode lisamist portfelli.  Uut kontot saad lisada kas päris alguses Portfellow seadistamisel või hiljem lehtedel "Portfell" ning "Kontod".  Vajuta nuppu Lisa

Kuidas alustada Portfellow kasutamisega?   1. Portfelli loomine   Kui oled Portfellow konto avanud, siis esimeseks sammuks on portfelli loomine. Selleks vajuta nupul "Loo uus portfell".  Seejärel avaneb aken, kus saad sisestada loodava portfelli nime, valuuta, kuuluvuse

Portfellow aprill 29, 2024 0 Comments

How to configure Interactive Brokers automatic import From this page you can find the guide how to create a Flex Query ID and Token to enable automatic transaction import from Interactive Brokers. Step 1: Log into your