
Paketid & hinnad

Start by tracking
10 holdings for free

Upgrade to a premium plan at any time to track additional holdings or portfolios, and unlock advanced features.


Alustavale investorile

igavesti tasuta
  • 1 Portfell
  • 10 Investeeringut
  • CSV Import
  • IB automaatne liidestus
  • Piiratud raportid
  • Piiratud tugi


Teadlikule investorile

5 kuutasu, makstes korra aastas
7€ makstes igakuiselt
  • 2 Portfelli
  • 30 Investeeringut
  • 4 Pangaliidestust
  • IB automaatne liidestus
  • Kõik raportid
  • Tavaline tugi


Edasijõudnud investorile

10 kuutasu, makstes korra aastas
14€ makstes igakuiselt
  • 4 Portfelli
  • Piiramata investeeringuid
  • 8 Pangaliidestust
  • IB automaatne liidestus
  • Konsolideeritud vaated
  • Jagatud portfellid
  • Kohandatud grupid
  • Kõik raportid
  • Prioriteetne tugi


Professionaalsele investorile

25 kuutasu, makstes korra aastas
29€ makstes igakuiselt
  • 10 Portfelli
  • Piiramata investeeringuid
  • 16 Pangaliidestust
  • IB automaatne liidestus
  • Konsolideeritud vaated
  • Jagatud portfellid
  • Kohandatud grupid
  • Kõik raportid
  • Prioriteetne tugi

Korduma kippuvad küsimused

After registering, you’ll have access to your chosen plan for 10 days. Even though the paid subscriptions require credit card information, you won’t be charged unless you continue using Portfellow after the trial period.

You will automatically be rolled into a Paid plan.

However, you can always cancel your subscription before the free trial ends.

Portfellow operates on a subscription basis, offering both annual and monthly plans. You will be charged once per selected period, depending on your choice.

We use Stripe for payment processing and accept all major credit cards. Your online transactions are always safe and secure with us.

Yes, if you decide to switch to another plan after your initial purchase, you can do so at any time on the Plans & Billing page.

You can cancel your subscription at any time, and it will not auto-renew after the current paid term. The service will remain active for the remainder of the paid term.


Alusta oma Portfellow teekonda juba täna

Portfellow on loonud erinevaid pakette nii algajatele kui ka täiesti professionaalsetele investoritele.